Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More pictures from this weekend...

My brother lent me his new Canon Rebel this weekend so I could play around before I made my big purchase. Of course I'm still drooling over the Nikon D90...

My lovely neice and nephew...

Weigh in....what's your favorite...Canon or Nikon?

Until then...


  1. Well I have owned both and LOVED them both .. rigth now you know I have a Nikon baby D40, ha but it takes great photos. The pictures of Hannaha are STUNNING!!!!! Get that camera girl and get shooting.

  2. I vote for Canon because I love mine. Those are great pics of Hannah. Then again, does she ever photograph terribly? She's such a cutie patootie.

  3. Hello Sister... A Nikon I would recommend nothing less. I love love love mine, I have used the D40, the D80 is my current model, but I did do some drooling over a D300 the one I hope to own next. Frankly sister it doesn't matter what camera you own it's all you anyway... so just get one in your hands and start playing with your camera eye.

    Miss you... hope all is well.
