Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm hooked...

Here are a few of the (HUNDRED) pictures I took on my birthday/Father's Day on Sunday. My mom and dad's yard is so gorgeous I couldn't put my camera down...my beautiful model doesn't hurt either. :0) These pictures are straight-out-of-the-camera ~ I didn't get to do any post editing due to the fact that I am trying to figure out CS4 and Lightroom 2. Anyone want to tutor me? :0)


Until then...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to me....Happy Father's Day to YOU!

This is the gift I got from my sweet husband for my thirty sixth birthday....a Nikon D90. Now I can pursue my passion...Thanks Petey for seeing past my brokenness to the beauty within, for believing in me when I struggle to believe in myself, and for supporting me always. You are an outstanding husband and a wonderful father to our sweet baby girl. I love you VERY much Pete! Happy Father's Day!

This is the video that inspires me....what an amazing dad! Happy Father's Day to all you Daddies out there who go the EXTRA MILE... especially to my Father and Father-in-law. You two men are such good dads to your kids (and grand kids)...thanks for all you do for us and how much you have loved and sacrificed over the years. We love you very much!

I bet you couldn't watch that without a hankie! If you haven't...give your dad a call and thank him for all he's done for you. If your dad is already past, say a little prayer...he'll hear you. If you have a dad that wasn't there for you...I know one that wants to be...his name is God ~ your Heavenly Father. He's there and is just waiting to go the EXTRA MILE for you... so give Him a call...I promise, you won't be disappointed!

Until then...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Confessions of a four year old...

Hannah called me back into her room after I had put her to bed the other night. She sounded very upset. I walked in and she was sitting on the edge of her bed, holding out a petrified orange thing, asking me what happened to it. When I finally figured out what it was, I told her that's what happens when you leave a carrot out for too long. Then came the REST OF THE STORY...

She told me that she lied to her dad. I asked her how she lied to him and she said that he told her to eat her carrots and she had hid one in her skirt and then put it under her bed. I wanted to know if Pete had asked her if she ate the carrot and if she had told him she had...she nodded her head very sadly. I had to hold back a giggle...it was so sweet. We talked about the fact that I was proud of her for telling the truth and that next time she needs to work on telling the truth before she makes a bad choice. It was such a wonderful opportunity to talk about conviction and the "bad feeling" she was experiencing. It led us to discuss how God allows us to feel that way when we make a bad choice and then how important it is to go to Him, confess, and be forgiven.

After it was all over I wondered if I did the right thing...praising her for telling the truth instead of punishing her for lying. Then it hit me~that's what I experience...I make a mistake (sin), feel bad, talk to God about it, and receive forgiveness. Most times the punishment is the "bad feeling"...sometimes it's worse. She was confessing to me and I gave her the forgiveness she needed. It was pretty amazing to stand in the gap and have the priviledge of teaching her that she can go to her Heavenly Father and He will forgive her and love her no matter what. :0)

What have your kids confessed to you lately?

One more for the road...the very next day Hannah was on the cell phone with Pete. She was asking him a question and he wasn't responding as she would have liked. She handed me the phone and with a very sad face said, "I did a bad thing on the phone." I looked at her and asked her what she did. She looked up at me with those sad puppy dog eyes and said, " I rolled my eyes at Dad when he was answering my question." Now HOW can you not giggle at that one??

Until then....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More pictures from this weekend...

My brother lent me his new Canon Rebel this weekend so I could play around before I made my big purchase. Of course I'm still drooling over the Nikon D90...

My lovely neice and nephew...

Weigh in....what's your favorite...Canon or Nikon?

Until then...